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After Overcoming 8 Years of Depression 24-Year Old CEO Kiara Starks Creates ‘Women Walking In Faith’

'Women Walking In Faith’ is a new ministry that Starks created for women going through trying times in their lives. It showcases the strengths, triumph and reward of never giving up on themselves and never giving up on God.

“We as women go through so much and begin to give up on ourselves and lose faith,” the Philadelphia native said. “I believe if we begin to stick together, build up our faith no matter what the situation may be, we will stay prayerful and keep strong faith in God.”

'WWIF' was established in early April and has been working diligently ever since with so many new things coming your way!

The ministry caters to women, but lets face it, some girls in their early teens go through challenges, therefore, 'WWIF' can be used for whomever can take and utilize something positive from it, with no age limitations.

“I went through 8 years of depression,” Starks said. “I felt like I was worthless, lost faith and even lost myself.

She explained that when we learn that the most dangerous thing isn’t when people talk about you and say you can’t accomplish this and can’t accomplish that, the dangerous part is when we tell ourselves that ‘I am a failure and that I am less of a person’.

She says there were times when she stopped praying and thought that God didn’t care about her, but he showed up each and every time.

Today Starks can say that she is stronger than she’s ever been.

“If only people knew that dark place that I was in for so many years, this time last year God placed this ministry in my heart. Today, I am in a much better place in my life, at peace and I am truly happy," she said.

"Even throughout my years of depression, I realized that he never left my side and because of his grace, I am still here today!" - Kiara Starks -


1) Q: What steps did you take to overcome depression?

A: First I had to detox my mind. In the mist of me being depressed I lost myself, I lost sight of who I was. I had to let go of negative energy, such as social media, and people. I began to write in a journal to clear my mind of negative thoughts. I prayed every morning and night and also read the Bible. Jude 24 "Now unto Him who is Able to keep you from falling" That verse means a lot to me. It helped me overcome depression in a big way. It reminded me that God will not allow me to fall, he will keep me in my right mind as long as I keep my trust in Him.

2) Q: What advice would you give someone currently going through depression?

A: Never lose yourself. Take time out for yourself. If you feel like you need to take a break from people or things then do just that. Begin to clear your mind of negative thoughts. The negative thoughts that we carry in our minds each and everyday is what leads to depression. You really have to detox your mind get more into yourself. Talk to God and tell him all about it.

3) Q: When God placed 'WWIF' on your heart, what were your feelings?

A: I was scared. God placed this ministry on my heart spring of 2018. I talked about it all the time. But for some reason I just couldn't come up with a name. I then went into a moment where I needed to detox my mind and God placed it on my heart again in February 2019 and the name "Women Walking In Faith" came to me and I ran with it. Now that I look back to when God first placed this on my heart I just wasn't ready yet he had to prepare me to be in the space I'm in now. He had to clear my mind. I ask God to continue to lead me each and everyday.

4) Q: What are 3 things you want women to learn from your new ministry/platform 'WWIF'?

A: 1. Always have faith. 2. Never loose sight on the very purpose God has for you. 3. Never loose yourself.

5) Q: How important is care for someone struggling with mental illness and why?

A: Mental illness care is very important. Mental health refers to a person's emotional, psychological and social well being. It impacts how one thinks, feels and acts. When you have a mental illness you really have to care about what you feed your mind. You too always have to do what's best for you because if you don't it can lead to the point of suicidal thoughts. So always do your best to take care of yourself and your mind.

6) Q: Does ministry run in your family?

A: Yes, ministry does run in my family. My great grandmother was an evangelist, my grandfather was a pastor, my mother is in school to become a minister, and my cousins are Bishops. I never saw myself doing ministry. When God placed this on my heart I was scared and I also thought it was a joke, but her I am!

7) Q: Where do you see 'WWIF' in 3-5 years?

A: In 3 to 5 years I see WWIF helping women all over the country. I see myself speaking and ministering in places I never thought I would. I want to spread the word of God. This ministry is to help women to stand strong in His Word. Give birth to that very thing God is calling you to do. It's Birthing season!


'WWIF' shirts are available for purchase for $15 and there will also be a big event on November 3, 2019. More information on the event will be released early August. STAY TUNED!


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