I felt compelled to share this piece by Dr. Janice Gassam in an effort to provoke thought and healing. As Women for the Culture, we fight many struggles on a daily basis. Many of which are generational curses, those placed on us by society and most importantly internally rooted and hidden within the depths of our being.
I cry for us. I pray for self love for myself and my sisters, especially as we navigate a society that wasn't built for us. In this time, where we discover the Kings and Queens we truly are and were destined to be, I hope for change and clarity. I hope for dismantlement. Most of all, I hope for true freedom.
Sidenote, I have yet to swoop or lay and edge. I can relate to overheating and processing my hair for the straightest edges. I can attest to considering the swirl, but who am I fooling... I don't have baby hair. Should I create some? Rather than using trends as a guide to survival, I settled into my "average" look rather than "boss bitch." I share this to show, how every thought... every move within Black Culture is not only played upon, but used as instruments against its own. The word of the day is: Assimilate.

Reposted from @janicejnice on Instagram: Something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately is daily practices of assimilation that Black people have adopted as a means of survival.
One such tactic is laying our edges.
As a woman with #4chair I’ve always felt like any hairstyle I rocked looks unpresentable if my edges aren’t laid.
I’m starting to realize how that belief is rooted in wt supremacy. Swipe through to see some of my thoughts and some interesting tidbits I found on the inter webs.
What are your thoughts on #laidedges?
UPDATE: like @beyonce said “F*** these laid edges, I’ma let it shrivel up (shrivel up)” 👏🏽 thank you @sandy_choute