What is Bloom Season? When you think of the word “Bloom” what comes to mind? For Wardrobe Stylist and Mentor-Turned-Author, Mary Patterson, "Bloom is the most beautiful state of being, it’s the full potential of something and that something is you. Bloom Season is the process to your Bloom and in that process is healing, forgiveness, self-care, and so much more." Through her first book, "Don't Block Your Bloom," Patterson calls women to hold themselves accountable. She says, "It’s time for us as women to stop going through the motions and actually do the internal work."

Finding power through struggle, Patterson used her dark times to forge a new relationship with herself. She believes any-and-all experiences are necessary and lead to growth. Seemingly, rather than grovel in past trials and indiscretions, Patterson consciously converts those negative energies into power and passion, stating "Unfortunately, some [pieces of our past] are traumatic. However, some are very pleasant and enjoyable. If we never encountered the hardships, how would we gain our strength?"
Now, more than ever, women are in a position for healing and growth. Supporting and empowering each other is the new agenda. Patterson says, "I decided to write a book, because I noticed that a lot of women needed what I had in me — the lessons, support, the spiritual counsel, and empowerment. I knew a book would go places I may not reach."
"Don't Block Your Bloom" allows the reader to identify the self-destructive cycles in their lives that have been perpetuated from generation-to-generation. Patterson defines this as "typically, the behavior you can find in your mother, grandmother, or great grandmother. It’s important that you differentiate which cycles no longer serve you in a positive way and work to break them, so that it stops with you. For example: the cycle of codependency, your choice in men, your bad attitude etc."
As women of color in general, we may find we have many generational cycles in common. "Jealousy and envy is a strong one," says Patterson. She continues, "and I believe apart of that is a result of allowing insecurities to control your emotions and how you view your self." It's time for a change... one that starts with us. Patterson says, "so many women are tired of the self destructive cycles that come with operating in a space where there hasn’t been any healing, growth or forgiveness. There is power on the other side and it’s our birth right to reactivate it through the process of healing."
“Don’t Block Your Bloom” is about accountability and ownership. In the book, Patterson occupied the victim position for way too long. She claims she had to take ownership of my anger issues, insecurities, emotions and healing. "No one was coming to save me from my self, it was my responsibility. It was time for me to get out of my own way and allow my self to Bloom into all that God has for me, I was Blocking my bloom!"
So that no woman is left behind "in their process to BLOOM," Patterson made herself vulnerable by sharing her truth, with the hope that it encourages other women to own and walk in their truth. She says, "When that happens there is freedom and power that comes with that. After I share my truth, I go on to share all that I’ve discovered and gained in my healing process."
Working in fashion and styling (her first love), allows Patterson to take her message a step further, as style is very important to a woman in bloom! While fashion is "what you are offered on the runway or in the store," Patterson believes style "is self expression and what you choose to do with the garments." Styling, women in particular, allows Patterson to empower through self expression. She says, "Style becomes a reflection of how you feel about your self and the message you want send to the world."
Transformation is key. Whether in your outward appearance to communicate the progress within or simply as a means for mental health, Patterson challenges us to delve deep towards introspection, as "we all deserve to be in this space; a space of true peace and self mastery."

The first of many, and surely "not the last," Patterson says, her book "Don’t Block Your Bloom" will empower you to take the necessary steps needed to own your truth, walk in true forgiveness, change your thinking, and activate your divine power. She says, "I want to see every Queen standing firm in her Power Posture! I purposely made the book an easy, short, yet powerful read so that even the “non readers” wouldn’t mind reading it."
It's time to unmask. Rather than "showing up with our “mask” on, hiding the broken pieces within," as Patteraon says, "We have to break the chains in order to start new cycles for our daughters and granddaughters—we are the foundation."
For more information on Mary Patterson, her wardrobe styling services and new release "Don't Block Your Bloom," visit dontblockyourbloom.com or follow @marysaid_ownit on instagram!