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How Family Culture Inspired the Taylor Homemade Business Concept

Home Chef, Blogger and Spice Creator Regina Taylor credits her love for food and gift of cooking all to her granddad and mom. Growing up, Regina along with her siblings and cousins, would visit her grandparents for every school break; whether Christmas, Spring or Summer, the troupe would find their escape there. Regina recalls her grandparents favorite thing to do was to cook fresh. She says, "They had a garden in the backyard. My granddad grew his own vegetables and cooked dinner almost every night. When he cooked, he told stories."

For the culture, many of us learned just the same way. Our grandparents wouldn't teach us by talking at us; if we wanted to learn, it was simple... we had to watch! Regina would sit and watch her granddad cook and "just picked up on what he did."

Regina cherishes this experience, and will always remember her granddad telling her "it's never okay to play with your food at school but it's okay to play with your food at home." From that she learned, if you're going to learn to cook, you have to mix things up, rather than going straight from the recipe every time.

When she became a mom, with a daughter with severe asthma, so much so that they emergency room knew them by name and her daughter was restricted from all extra-curricular activities. Cooking was natural to Regina; however, she never knew how what we put in our bodies could trigger ailments such as asthma. It was in doing this research, reading and googling the ingredients on everything she purchased, that Regina realize the many chemicals in our foods. Regina was able to completely turn her daughter's diagnosis around by cooking every meal from scratch; and also came up with the Cooking with Regina and Taylor Homemade brands.

Eight-out-of-ten spices, especially the store brands have chemicals over the fresh ingredients. Hence, the creation of her spice line.

For years, Regina baked cupcakes and ran several lucrative business; including a wedding business. Creating spices, like cooking was second nature to Regina. She says, "everybody is naturally great, but you have to know you're great." It wasn't until hosting many dinner parties with her wife at her home that friends and colleagues would inquire as to what she was using to create her dish. Once they smelled the spices, they were overwhelmed.

Everybody is great at something. Regina says, "Do You!" She may not be the only spice business; many businesses may offer the same products, but Regina says, "what you will give your customers will be a totally different experience."

Taylor Homemade is all about customer service. The small details and constant reevaluation of her business and practices is what helps Regina stand above the rest. She says, "When it's all said and done, you have to give people what you expect in return and that's how I structure my business." Regina list her ingredients on her labels, she doesn't mind sharing her resources. With six months in business under her belt, Taylor Homemade products are often sold out. Regina wasn't taught to make spices; but the encouragement of others and her family's overall health was the drive behind the brand.

Regina encourages her following to eat fresh. She says, "you don't have to go vegetarian or vegan to be healthy. The way you prepare your food change show your body will react to it."

And Regina's daughter... she played every sport under the sun. Once Regina changed the foods they ate and the way they ate; most-to-all of her daughter's breathing treatments were eliminated.

In today's society, the importance of family time, dinner time and sharing is not the same as it was of the past. Feeding the soul begins in the home. Regina's role models were her grandparents, and as we prepare to close out this century, realizing how to pour back into ourselves and the generations to come is essential. for the remainder of the year, challenge yourself and your tribe to make a difference by starting at home. Spend two hours a week creating with your loved ones whether cooking or crafting. Use it as an opportunity to disconnect, for therapy and bonding; just as in Regina's case, you never know what seed you're planting.

Regina Taylor is the Home Chef, Blogger and Spice Creator behind the brand Taylor Homemade. Looking for all-natural, fresh seasonings with recipes to match, visit @taylorhomemade_ on Instagram and shop at

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