Meet Jasmine Marie CEO/Founder Of Creative Women Build Indiana Native Currently Building Her Empire in NYC While Helping Other Female Entrepreneurs And Empowering Women
What’s the message behind Creative Women Build and what impact do you plan to make on the world? The main message behind CWB is women go further together. I strive every day to create a living legacy that empowers and inspires women and girls to believe in themselves and work towards their goals and dreams.
What advice will you give an aspiring entrepreneur? Start by starting. If you have an idea, believe that you have everything you need to bring it to life. I also recommend finding a business coach or mentor to work with if you would like help getting started. I offer coaching services as well as a monthly membership program.
At what moment did you decide you was going to launch this brand? In August of 2017, I hosted for Parisian artist Nicholle Kobi at her Harlem exhibition. Prior to working with her, I had been following her work for close to four years. I loved every moment of creating an experience for the attendees. I knew I had to create a platform that connected black women to one another.
Who was your biggest inspiration while creating this movement and why? My biggest inspiration has been becoming the woman I have always wanted to be. I have learned so much from starting CWB and I continue to learn every day.
What has been the pros and cons of the company? I am grateful for every high and low moment I have experienced while building CWB. In January- two months after starting CWB, I found out I have two large fibroids. I was fearful this could have a negative impact on my ability to have children. I experienced a deep depression for several months.When starting CWB, I promised myself I would push through difficult circumstances to build this platform. Despite the health challenges I experience, I continue to create a platform that educates, empowers and celebrates black women entrepreneurs every day.
How was you able to connect with other women to build a successful team? I asked women who attended multiple CWB events to join the team. They each made a significant investment in my vision. I appreciate their contribution.
What areas do you focus most on when it comes to topics and workshops? I listen to my audience. I ask for feedback after our events. I choose topics attendees have mentioned they need resources on.
How do you plan your workshops and what is the process? My process is pretty simple. I brainstorm the event idea, find a venue then promote the event.
What skills/experiences in life help you get to where you at today? Faith, positive mindset and determination to succeed. Prior to CWB, I had a platform called The Journ3y. It had four goals- speak life and inspiration, promote black businesses, host positive events and serve the community. I use my experiences from creating The Journ3y and apply them to CWB as well as my years of event planning and public speaking. I have enjoyed public speaking since I was young. I strongly believe I was created to do exactly what I am doing.
When did you realize you was making a big impact on sisterhood and how did that made you feel? I realized it the moment I started CWB. The love and support I receive daily brings me to tears often. I am incredibly grateful and thankful for CWB.
How do you attract people to your brand? I attract people to my brand by being genuine and authentic. People are also attracted to the experience I create in person and online.
What make your brand different from others? Creative Women Build embodies my love for supporting and celebrating black women entrepreneurs, connecting women to one another and hosting events. It is everything I am and more.
How was the Creative Women Hustle event? Did it go as planned? My goal with Creative Women Hustle (CWH) was to create an elevated experience. With the help of my team and volunteers, I was able to do that. The event was a success! It was hosted at The Tillary Hotel in Downtown BK. We were able to obtain sponsorships with Eighty One Face and Body, Swivel Beauty, Girl + Hair and Glossier.
Do you offer free workshops? If so when your next event We charge for most of our events and workshops. The next event is a happy hour on September 15 featuring three black women creatives.
Do you plan on expanding? If so how We just launched the CWB network in D.C. by hosting a meetup there on August 18. In November, we will host a holiday market in D.C. Next, we plan to expand to Philly, Ontario as well as other places.
Is there anything you will like to add or address? Start by starting. Figure out what you naturally do well and monetize it. To Learn More About Creative Women Build
